Lawn Fertilization

Lawn Fertilization

Lawn fertilization is a fundamental component in any well-rounded lawn care program and is essential for maintaining lush, green turf throughout the season. Our lawn care specialists begin by assessing the growing environment on your property, which help them to create a lawn care program tailored to the conditions on your site. This will include accurately timed applications of lawn fertilizer.
A soil test is an important first step when developing a lawn care program and is the only way to accurately determine which of the 16 nutrients essential for plant growth are depleted in your lawn. North Eastern Tree, Shrub, & Lawn Care’s lawn care professionals have the training and experience to determine what nutrients, application rates and timing of applications will work best to improve the health of your lawn. We offer natural and pure organic applications to work with your personal preferences in care.
Speak with our lawn care experts to learn how we can help you achieve a beautiful and healthy lawn all season.
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